Friday, February 26, 2010

Hair regrowth after pulling out?

If you pull out the hair from some part of your body (arm, leg, head, ear, etc), will a new hair grow eventually in the same location? Is there something like a seed from wear hair grows? I know that hair is mostly keratin (a protein) and skin also has a lot of keratin.Hair regrowth after pulling out?
Yes it will.Hair regrowth after pulling out?
The majority of your hair will always grow back if you just pull it. However, the very delicate hairs, such as your eyebrows, can become damaged after repeatedly being pulled and might not grow back.
yeah when u pull a hair out it grows back.

there is a hair follicle that the hair grows out of. u can kill the root of the hair follicle with electric shock or with heat from a laser and it will not regrow.
yes the hair will grow back

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