Friday, February 26, 2010

Are changes in hair regrowth from chemotherapy (such as changes in texture, color, etc.) permanent?

As a cancer patient I recieved chemotherapy that knoked out much of my hair. Before treatment I had very different textured hair then after it grew back. I have been off treatments for about a year and was wondering if the new texture is permanent or if it will return to the pre-chemo texture. Thanks for any knowledge or personal experience!Are changes in hair regrowth from chemotherapy (such as changes in texture, color, etc.) permanent?
The changes are temporary.

I have had chemotherapy myself and lost all of my hair. It came back a different texture (curly!) but 2,5 years later my hair looks exactly the same as it did pre-cancer.

Also I volunteer at a cancer charity so I have seen literally hundreds of ppl who have gone through chemo, hair loss and hair regrowth. Their experiences are similar to mine.Are changes in hair regrowth from chemotherapy (such as changes in texture, color, etc.) permanent?
I lost half of my hair due to radiation txs for Hodgkin's when i was 15. When it came back in it was curly! The top part of my hair was straight, and if you can imagine a horizontal life from ear to ear--that was curly--finally after about a year, it started growing in straight--I kept it very shirt until then so I didn't look odd.

I just lost my hair the past couple of weeks due to chemo for breast cancer (I'm 39 now)--and while I'm gray now, I expect it will come back gray--and possibly curly again--may people have what are called chemo curls for a couple of years before the hair reverts back to it's prior texture (for lack of a better word--straight if that was the case I suppose).

So, in short--yes it can come back in different colors and or textures, but it is usually temporary.
Well my mom had the same thing, her hair grew back full thick and brown. It just depends on your genetics. The only way to really change the hair color you get once it grows back is to color it and my mom did this as well.

Hope that helps =D
My understandin is that it should be pretty much like it was. My wife had lots of radiation to her head and her hair was not going to grow back, but she died before we could find out for sure.
0They few people I knew who suffered from hair loos all had a change in colour and texture. Seems like the came back baby fine and mostly gray in colour. For them, it was permanent. This is something you could ask you doctor or nurse next time you go in for a recheck.
it depends on the genes, what you have before won't change after the therapy, you will get what you used to have

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