Sunday, February 28, 2010

Does Nair slow hair regrowth?

Yes, nair does slow hair regrowth. I use it on each week to remove unwanted hair from my body and it does work on me but this depends on the individual. I actually prefer to use it rather than electrolysis or laser hair removals because it is effective, cheap and saves me money.Does Nair slow hair regrowth?
No, of course not. Nair and all the other depilatories are only surface treatments. Nair is a strong alkaline product which dissolves protein -- hair and skin. It will eat away at anything it contacts.

It doesn't affect the hair growth at all, which comes from under the skin. The hair will grow as it always has, as it is programmed to do, which was designed before you were born.Does Nair slow hair regrowth?
No, all nair does is eat the hair away from the surface. Essentially it is the same as shaving because it doesn't go any deeper than a razor. And it can be very irritating!

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